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Healthy Lifestyle Hobby: Stretching Through Pain And Tears To Become Flexible And Fit

 Flexibility is a trait that people do not often see as a necessity. In reality, it is essential to your body to be able to move through the full range of motion. Healthy Lifestyle Hobby is the way you can keep yourself active and healthy.

A healthy lifestyle is important for everyone. For those who work a desk job and don't have much time to exercise, it can be more difficult. It's important to find an activity that you enjoy. A hobby like running or yoga may be the perfect way to get your body moving while also doing something you enjoy.

Aztec Health Care vision is to offer quality health products to help our customers maintain a fit lifestyle that works for people of all walks of life. I want the brand to be synonymous with cutting edge, quality products that people can turn to their fitness and health goals.

Why does stretching feel good?

What are the benefits of stretching exercises?

- The first plus is healthy joints. They become more mobile, and this improves overall well-being. Stretching exercises will help you recover from bruises or heavy loads.

Another reason to start developing flexibility is to align and lengthen your spine. A healthy spine will provide a beautiful posture. Elastic ligaments, blood flow to the body will keep the body youthful, saturate the body with oxygen.

If you have hard work, constant stress, then stretching is shown to you. Relaxation will lead to harmony with your inner self and help you calm down.

Another indisputable plus, especially for women, is that stretching improves and speeds up metabolism. Stretching will help you lose weight better than any diet.

Is it possible for everyone to do stretching or are there contraindications?

- In general, there is no such category of people who cannot be stretched. Only if you have received a serious injury, you should not stretch the damaged ligament for some time, but after a while you will need to start restoring its elasticity. And it can be very painful, but otherwise you will completely lose flexibility and it will be even worse later.

Everyone can stretch, regardless of age and gender. In childhood, the ligaments are very soft and elastic, the joints are easier to twist. Accordingly, it is much easier for a child to sit in a twine. With age, the ligaments become coarser. But, of course, this is also all individually. There are such elastic ligaments from childhood that, as an adult, a person quickly achieves results. And vice versa: even a 10-year-old child can be completely inflexible. But I can say for sure that at any age you can increase your flexibility many times over, and this does not depend on the data, but on the desire and hard work of a person.

Is  stretching necessary only after strength and cardio loads or can it be used as an independent set of exercises?

– A good stretch is essential for athletes, dancers, gym goers and runners, but it will never be too much for people who do nothing. Stretching has only one plus. We all strive to look younger, not age and feel great. And all this gives stretching. Why spend money on expensive vitamins, creams, when you can devote a little time to exercise and get almost the same result?

How not to overdo it with stretching, so as not to harm the body?

- The feeling of pain in the ligaments the next morning after stretching is practically guaranteed. This is an indicator of effective training. When you “stretch,” your ligaments stretch, lengthen, and micro tears appear in your muscles. Thanks to this, flexibility is achieved.

Therefore, you need to stretch only 3-4 times a week so that the ligaments have time to recover. The next morning after class, you can take a bath, do exercises. But don't stretch too hard! Ligaments need rest.

 How to cope with pain during exercise, how can it be easier to transfer?

- Try to think about what relaxes you, switch your attention to pleasant memories. Imagine how you are basking on the beach, how the sea beckons you, remember the pleasant moments when you were relaxing. Then enduring pain is much easier than if you think only that you can no longer endure. Stretching is like running: the more you do, the longer the workout you can endure over time. The more you endure, the sooner you will learn to endure this pain. Perhaps then you will even like it. Train yourself. No other is given.

During the exercises, you need to carefully listen to your body, feel it, so as not to overdo it and not hurt yourself. Do not suddenly sit down or bend over when you are not warmed up. There was a feeling of acute pain in the ligaments, as if they were cutting with a knife, which means that you should not make an effort. Just lock on to that height. If you feel dizzy, your leg begins to shake violently, or something “clicks” in it, stop stretching immediately. Take good care of yourself.

Stretching the body hurts, but these sensations are then replaced by joy, lightness and great well-being. Do not neglect this, and you will be in harmony with yourself.

 What must be taken into account during the exercise?

̶  ̶  Stretching ̶ is the relaxation of the muscles, and there is no way without breathing. This is the most important rule! You need to watch your breathing. As you exhale, your ligaments relax, stretch, and you sink lower. When you hold your breath and try to lower yourself, you injure them. Ligaments will hurt twice as much, and the results will be much worse.

 But what if you still damage the ligaments?

̶  The worst thing is the rupture of ligaments. In this case, the recovery process is very long. If everything is serious, it is better to consult a doctor who will prescribe ointments, dressings, physiotherapy. In the case of a tear or sprain of the ligament, recovery is faster. I know a great way to recover from damage. This is a very hot bath. You dive into the water, lie down for about 20 minutes, your ligaments completely relax, warm up. After that, do exercises on the injured leg (very carefully!) and climb into the water again. And so about 3-4 approaches.

I know many gymnasts, acrobats and dancers who, after serious injuries, regained their splits in this way. But just do not try to do this the day after the injury. Give your ligaments time to recover.

Is it necessary to do stretching with a trainer or can I do exercises at home?

-  Light complexes can be performed at home, more complex ones at the initial stages - better under the supervision of a trainer. If you don’t know how to stretch at all, and don’t feel your body, then you have a direct road to the group. After all, poor-quality exercise can not only upset you by waiting too long for at least some results, but also harm the body.

If you have already more or less developed flexibility and know what is done and how, then it is never superfluous to work out at home. Take at least 15 minutes a day: stretch your neck, back, do a couple of forward bends, and you will see what kind of energy your body will receive.

Why do you practice exercises in pairs in the classroom, how are they effective?

̶  From classes in pairs, the result appears 2-3 times faster. When you "stretch" yourself, you do not give the maximum load on the ligaments, but the partner helps you with this. But you need to be very careful during classes with each other, tell your partner about whether you can still press or not. He does not feel what is going on inside you.

First, you need to press minimally, and then gradually add your weight and at the end give the maximum load. And so that your partner does not tear the ligaments and get injured, you need to let him go slowly and smoothly.

Do  men need stretching?

 Men need to stretch in order not to be bears. But there is one caveat: if a man wants to gain weight and swings hard, then during this period he should perform the most light exercises. The whole result will disappear, and the muscles will stop growing, but, on the contrary, will begin to “deflate”. After all, one of the results of stretching exercises - an accelerated metabolism - helps to lose weight.

Why do muscle pumps at the end of a set of exercises?

 Just stretching the muscles is half the battle. You need to learn how to use them, especially dancers. A pump at the end is needed in order to maintain the results of achieving the lesson, so that you can not only sit in the splits, but also keep your foot on the weight, do batmans, swings, and use your flexibility in every possible way.

Also Read: What should you strive for: Five reasons to stretch


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